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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter 3 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-07-26 07:43:01 Views : 25532 Cheat : Cheat mode: Press [F2], type one of the following codes, then press [Enter] followed by [F2] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Effect Code Gun automatically sighted in r3sightin Animals do not run away r3nofear No noises r3damper Large animals r3monster Less animals r3plague Move to the nearest animal r3find Display animals on map r3showme Hunter does not get tired r3homegym Snowy weather r3blizzard Icy weather r3ice Rainy weather r3water Lightning r3zeus Thunder r3thunder Reset time to noon r3noon Automatically sight in gun r3sightin Flight mode r3skyhook Walk through fences r3truck Bullet view r3leadeye Strobe slope effect r3climber Gore mode r3f13 Attract animals r3beacon In-game commands: Press the following keys during game play to activate the corresponding effect. Effect Code Toggle the screen view [Keypad Plus] or [Keypad Minus] Put up and take down your blind or treestand [F8] Toggle person view [\] Reload your gun R Take out and put back the compass P Take out your spotting scope S Take out your binoculars B Take out the map M Scroll through your inventory [ or ] Run Hold [Shift] when walking Crouch [Ctrl] Toggle your weapon [Space] Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter 3 cheat codes.
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